Press Releases
RSS feedFocus Researcher: H. Lee Sweeney at Myology 2016
H. Lee Sweeney discusses the difficulty of having drugs approved for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.
Focus Researcher : Ichizo Nishino at Myology 2016
Ichizo Nishino explains his successful results for Nonaka myopathy (GNE).
Myology 2016 – Day 3: Focus on therapeutics on trial or being developed for neuromuscular diseases
Wednesday opened on a symposium based on the development of innovative therapies, which make a new, booming type of medicine. Because the first drug candidates developed so far are only “prototypes”, researchers and doctors are building a strategy to tackle the disease on all fronts. Matthew Wood from Oxford University (UK) restored the expression of … [Read more]
Focus researcher : Matthew Wood at Myology 2016
Matthew Wood discusses the challenges of developing gene therapy
Myology 2016 – Day 2 : Muscle biology and neuromuscular junction
Throughout this second day, Myology 2016 was the stage of plenary sessions focused on “Fundamental muscle biology and neuromuscular junction.” This second day started with a lecture by Christophe Marcelle, initially in charge of the Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute at the University Monash in Melbourne, which has carried out the project Muscle formation, growth and … [Read more]
Myology 2016 – Day 1: 30 years after the discovery of the gene involved in Duchenne muscular dystrophy, myology has become the backbone of therapeutic innovation
Myology 2016, the 5th international congress of myology, organised by AFM-Téléthon, has started yesterday. Throughout this week, over 800 international experts on muscle and its diseases will gather at the Palais des Congrès in Lyon. This event will be the highlight of international myology in 2016, 30 years after the discovery of the gene involved … [Read more]
Progeria: discovery of therapeutic approach at I-stem
Thanks to a screening, Xavier Nissan’s team of the Institute for Stem cell Therapy and Exploration of Monogenic diseases (I-stem) has identified a compound able to treat progeria, a rare genetic disease inducing premature aging. A world premiere. The study was conducted with sick induced pluripotent stem cells (or iPSCs). The adult cells “rejuvenated” acting … [Read more]
5ème congrès International de Myologie, du 14 au 18 mars 2016
L’AFM-Téléthon organisera, du 14 au 18 mars 2016 à la Cité des Congrès de Lyon, son 5ème congrès international de myologie. Depuis sa première édition en 2000, le congrès international de myologie réunit les plus grands experts mondiaux de la discipline. Lors de sa dernière édition, en 2011, il a rassemblé 800 experts de 37 … [Read more]
Telethon fundraising event 2015 : 80 251 183 euros. More than ever THANK YOU!
At the end of a 30-hour TV marathon, the Telethon counter displays an extraordinary result of 80 251 183 euros. This outstanding outcome shows the support from millions of French citizens to the Telethon fight against rare diseases, including from London, New-York, Budapest…A strong visual symbol remains the enlightened Towers of different cities all over … [Read more]
Telethon 2015 fundraising event: to speed up the biomedical research, more than ever
More than ever this year, as a result to its achievements, AFM-Telethon relies on the French citizen’s generosity to collect all the money requested to accelerate the research in gene and cell therapie. An area where this patient group is an historical precursor. Téléthon 2015 famous media event will be launched on the French Television … [Read more]